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"Cultivate educational resource initiatives focused on raising awareness about domestic abuse and delivering interventions aimed at disrupting the cycle of domestic violence within relationships."

About us

"MAD21 (Make A Difference 2 1) is a nonprofit initiative committed to eradicating domestic violence through community education on recognizing abusive behaviors and seeking assistance. Located in Nashville, Tennessee, we operate at the grassroots level, actively addressing relationship abuse.


As a proud member of "The Village," an incubation space for grassroots community organizations developed and supported by The Metro Nashville Mayor's Office and The Center for Nonprofit Management, we work in close partnership with various organizations to raise awareness and mobilize community advocates.


ā€‹"Our fundamental principles drive us to take proactive steps in countering the devastating impact of domestic violence, with our ultimate goal being to save lives and revolutionize how our society addresses domestic abuse."


"We envision a community where domestic violence is recognized and understood, and where there is an abundance of support available to empower victims to break free from its grip."

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